
My husband has often expressed concern that I stack my life up with too many activities and do not make time for things he might consider more important. I have always reflected on his concern and have striven to keep balance in my life. I don't know why it is so difficult to achieve a balance between the practical life - family and work - and the spiritual life - prayer and service. In recent years, having journeyed through the loss of my mother and mother-in-law and others, and most recently the loss of my first born son, I continue to reflect on this challenge.

When our older children were in high school, I experienced a profound renewal and deepending of my faith. Through prayer and spiritual guidance, I was able to progress in achieving balance for a time. And yet the world took hold. As my children grew less dependent on me, I let the practical elements of life regain their stronghold and even allowed the spiritual pursuits to overshadow the needs of my family.

I had set goals for myself to nurture the relationships with my children as they began their own lives. I had great plans - to visit them at college at least once a semester to spend time with them in their own space - to encourage a monthly Sunday family dinner - to create natural opportunities to actively share my faith journey with them. As my parents aged, I set similar goals - to call, to visit. Though I had some success, I did not consistently bring these goals to  prayer. When I did, I berated myself for failure rather than asking for divine assistance. Eventually my best intentions were lost in the sea of time.

It is my experience that the practice of our faith, particularly the tradition (the Holy Mass) and a life of Christian prayer (Catechism Section 4) are the primary influencers that challenge us AND help us to stay on track. But only when we humble ourselves before God and ASK for divine assistance. This year (2024) is the year of the Eucharist where Christ is TRULY present to us. And EVERY year is a new time in our journey. I urge you to find balance in your life through prayer and adoration before the Blessed Sacrament! Live the challenge!

-- Bernadette (click to send me a note)

Pray Well!!