Michelle3Feeling insignificant is something I struggle with every day. I must remind myself that I am a child of God. I don’t need to feel little or alone. I am not alone. In a world so full of people living for themselves and material things, “I don’t belong.” This is a common theme in my thoughts. It requires me to remind myself that I was not created for this world, I was created to fulfill God’s promise. I have a purpose. God doesn’t create mistakes

Talking with God throughout my day is easy to do when it is sunny and bright; when events are fluid and every one I love seems happy and at peace. Other days when I really need to talk to him, the words come less easily. Why is that?

JesusWithChildren smallThere is a great strategist at work in the world trying to steal as many souls as possible. It is Satan. He preys on us when we have tough days. He whispers in our ears untruths and distracts us from our Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. They are always with us and especially on those hard days, ready to hold us up, help us through, and bring us peace.

Praying Every Day is a defense against the strategist. His demon soul only finds a way in when we don’t have habits that protect us from his games — we can fall victim. “Get thee behind me Satan!” Jesus spoke these words and so can you! Satan has no power over you! You have all the power through our heavenly Father. You don’t have to be fancy in what you pray. Just pray.

-- Michelle (click to send me a note)

Pray Well!!

"Draw your strength from the Lord and from his mighty power. Put on the armor of God so that you may be able to stand firm against the tactics of the devil. For our struggle is not with flesh and blood but with the principalities, with the powers, with the world rulers of this present darkness, with the evil spirits in the heavens. Therefore, put on the armor of God, that you may be able to resist on the evil day and, having done everything, to hold your ground. So stand fast with your loins girded in truth, clothed with righteousness as a breastplate, and your feet shod in readiness for the gospel of peace." — Ephesians 6:10-15


Here is a great song to contemplate!

Michelle3Faith combines knowledge and trust. One characteristic of faith is that it grows when we listen often and carefully to God’s Word, and enter a lively exchange with him through prayer. The more we enter God’s Word and come to know his promises, the more we trust in his plan for us.

God built each one of of us with skill and purpose. Though our gifts from God are free, He desires us! He wants a consistent two-way relationship. He wants to be part of our lives. How do we invite him into our lives? We do this through prayer.

Yes, spending an hour with him in Mass every Sunday saying our prayers is fulfilling our obligation. But it is not the lively exchange that God was hoping for when he created us. He wants to hear from us all throughout each of our days. He wants to be with us through all our joys and sorrows. God would like to be invited into our plans.

Here are some ways you can engage God daily and invite him to be a part of each day:

  • First thing in the morning, tell God how you are feeling and what you have planned for the day.
  • Ask him to help you make the day better for the people you encounter.
  • Check in with him before you make important decisions and ask him to walk with you through the decisions.
  • Let him be a companion to you rather than just asking him for help.
  • Keep watch for little blessings all day.
  • When your day is done, go over it with God. Ask for help with the challenges you faced.
  • Listen for his response and accept praise for a job well done.

God knows it is a challenge everyday to be in this world yet not be part of it. We are to leave on impression on those living for the world by living out the Gospels through our actions and decisions, to be a person of ethics and integrity in a society that has in many ways forgotten the definition of these words. He does not expect us to do this alone.

JesusWithChildren smallWe always feel better when we help others. As God’s children we are full of love. Using this gift leads to a very fulfilling life! When we spend time in service to others, even just listening to a story or opening a door we are rewarded with a joyful heart. We feel the flutter of God’s love when we live this kind of life.

As we strive to orient each day toward love and service, we will find a far greater measure of joy, fun, excitement that is more fulfilling than anything we could seek out on our own. Living a life as a servant of God is a happy and rewarding life because we are spreading love and peace.

And God wants to hear about it from us, even though He already knows it all! He sprinkles his blessings on us all day long in tiny ways that are all to often dismissed as luck or coincidence. So, when you find the great parking space, or it’s stops raining long enough to get the groceries in dry, or you take a quick look back and see your keys have fallen out of your pocket or your phone in the grass, high five God and thank him for being a part of your day!

For most of us, being a servant of God is not about quoting scriptures or spending hours on our knees. It is living in the joy of the Lord and sharing that joy and love with others. You are his good and faithful servant, and he is waiting to chat with you.

-- Michelle (click to send me a note)

Pray Well!!