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This session opens with the idea expressed in the catechism of our mission in this historical existence: to know love and serve God (CCC Prologue 1). The leader explores what it takes to accomplish that, in fact, that it is not possible to love or serve without knowledge of the object of our love. The session transitions into presentation of a drama of a someone praying, who unexpectedly hears a response and enters into an unwitting conversation with God. While it's not a complex piece involving no props (other than perhaps 2 microphones), this drama needs to be prepared and practiced before presentation by either leaders or students. After the drama the leader once leads the students in prayer following the model of the Our Father: Adoration, Repentence, Meditation, Intercession

First presented: St Paul Catholic Church, Damascus, MD; 2009-2010.

Opening Prayer

God, our Father, your Son, Jesus Christ promised to send us a helper, to give our faith a breath of new life. We ask you today, fill us with your Holy Spirit. For we know that without the presence of the Holy Spirit, we have no prayer within us. Only with the help of the Holy Spirit can we truly experience who you are and come to know you. Teach us how to talk to you, but more importantly, how to hear you, to have a real relationship with you so that we can know your love. We pray together,

Hail Mary full of grace...


Made To Love (Toby Mac)
Lyrics on AZ Lyrics

Daily Meditation

  • Prayer:  God, encourage me through your Holy Spirit to get to know you a little better each day.
  • Reflection:  How can I invite God to participate in all my activities?


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Read the endorsement by Janis Clarke and a prayer of blessing by Fr. Francis Martin, S.S.D. (RIP August 2017).