Lamps-A-Glow-AdCropConquer Life with God
Through Daily Conversation & Prayer

Logo PrayEveryDay

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Our Practicing Prayer Warrior program introduces...

The ARMI® prayer model, exploring six actions from "Jesus, teach us how to pray"...

Engage with God - Making time for God and removing distractions (in Level 6)

Acknowledge God - Considering who and what God is (in Level 5)

Return to God - Regrouping and refocusing on our goals (in Level 4)

Move toward God - Taking steps to receive more from God (in Level 5)

Invite God - Asking God to participate in all aspects of our lives (in Level 3)

Blessings - Looking for the many gifts God showers on us (in Level 4)

The program incorporates the prayers of the rosary, with interactive sticker fun, sparking the imagination, as our children practice independent prayer (introduced in L1 and L2).

Our prayer warriors graduate from the program at Level 6. In this level, youth are encouraged to use a journal as they begin to pray independently. We would be happy to come to your parish or school and offer a retreat experience for your teens (click here) so that our youth can continue journaling through confirmation, highschool, and youth group!

The references to L1 to L6 are available on the left menu.

Workbooks come with a color-coordinated wristband. Your students can collect their own rainbow of God's promises!

A revised program, currently in development, will include a separate workbook for each level, carrying the color-coding of the ARMI® model through from the beginning to the end.


Lamps-A-Glow® strives to encourage prayer in children of all ages from the young to the aged...

  • for the strength to love, forgive, and grow,
  • to foster hope for humanity and in eternity, and
  • as continuous renewal and replenishment as we walk our life of faith together.


Bernadette – Founder/Owner
Michelle - VP of Educational Development

Michelle and I are long-time friends. Though our journeys in faith are personal to each of us, we have both had impactful experiences of our living God and have witnessed the power of prayer. We have also been blessed with access to highly knowledgable and passionate teachers of faith. Our experiences, learning, and journeys have impressed on us the importance of promoting an active and engaging life of prayer both within our familes and in our religious education programs. But how does one teach prayer? It is our pleasure to serve you!

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Our Pray_Every_Day® program offers a teaching tool for religious education, home-schooling, and families.

Our resources explore various aspects of prayer using interactive tools. The program begins with the prayers of the rosary with interactive sticker fun and transitions as the children grow into engaging activity workbooks that lead our youth toward independent prayer.


Teach our youth to seek him out!

Check out our visual reminders and additional resources here.


We can help your parish or school!

Invite us to speak to your youth or check out this series.

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Sign up for Prayer Tips and Free Resources for Family, Parish, or School!

Sign up and join our team of parents and educators who create and share new and innovative approaches to faith and prayer for our Catholic Youth.

Encourage each other in prayer... Send a note of encouragement to a friend.

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