6 levels of the pray every day program

Our PrayEveryDay program

Our Practicing Prayer Warrior program introduces...

The ARMI® prayer model, exploring six actions learned from "Jesus, teach us how to pray"...

Engage with God - Make time for God and remove distractions (Level 6)

Acknowledge God - Consider who and what God is (Level 5)

Return to God - Regroup and refocus on our goals (Level 4)

Move toward God - Take steps to receive more from God (Level 5)

Invite God - Ask God to participate in all aspects of our lives (Level 3)

Blessings - Look for the many gifts God showers on us (Level 4)

The program incorporates the prayers of the rosary with interactive sticker fun, sparking the imagination (introduced in Levels 1 and 2).

Our prayer warriors graduate from the program at Level 6. In this level, youth are encouraged to use a journal as they continue building their daily prayer routine. We would be happy to come to your parish or school and offer a retreat experience for your teens (click here) encuraging our youth to pray and journal through confirmation, highschool, and youth group!

Workbooks come with a color-coordinated wristband. Your students can collect their own rainbow of God's promises!

A revised program, currently in development, will expand the workbooks to cover each prayer action independently, carrying the color-coding and learning of the ARMI® model throughout the program from the beginning to the end.