Self Guided Retreat - A sure path to Jesus!

Discover a transformative journey To Jesus through Mary in 33 days

About the retreat


This retreat area opens up a whole new avenue to explore in your relationship with Jesus. Over 33 days, explore the depth of Mary’s relationship with Jesus. Learn how her relationship with her Son can bring you closer to Jesus.

The perfect end to devotion to Mary, the mother of Jesus, is complete union with Jesus through her intercession and guidance. She is the ultimate human model of discipleship and union with Jesus. The journey awaits you!

The retreat presents the teachings of St. Louis de Montfort.

  • Be intentional and make a commitment

    Be Intentional

    This retreat prepares you to give (consecrate) your life to Mary to become more united with Jesus using the program by St. Louis De Montfort. The preparation retreat is 33 days but can be adjusted to fit your schedule.

    Make the effort to offer the full 33 days to maximize your spiritual growth. I typically plan for 60 days which allows me to skip days AND remain firm in the commitment to the retreat.

  • Gather your retreat materials

    Gather your materials

    Most of what you need can be found online. You can navigate the retreat here on any smart device. For a richer experience, consider purchasing some items. Plan to keep a journal to record insights and prayers.

  • Choose a feast day that celebrates Mary as a retreat completion target

    Set a start date

    Choose a feast day that celebrates Mary, the mother of Jesus, on which to complete your retreat and make your consecration. Then decide when to start your journey so that you can complete the preparation.

  • Share your experience with a  friend

    Consider a Retreat Buddy

    Having a friend available to share your retreat experience can help you stay focused and committed and offers an avenue to discuss the material. If you have someone you can consider a spiritual advisor, that may help with deeper questions. Or share your insights and ques ions here!


Retreat periods

This retreat is intended as a 33-day focused retreat broken into four periods of discovery and reflection and then the final day. Feel free to customize the use of the materials to fit into your schedule. My former mentor and spiritual advisor, Fr. Francis Martin said:

“If you can do nothing else, just say these words daily.” - Fr. Francis Martin (RIP 2017)

Mary, I consecrate myself to you!

  1. Preliminary Period

  2. Week 1: Knowledge of Self

  3. Week 2: Knowledge of the Blessed Virgin Mary

  4. Week 3: Knowledge of Jesus

  5. Consecration Day

If you choose to follow the Book/Libro by Fr. Hugh Gellespie (English || Español) and find the reflections to be lengthy, choose one to focus on. If the daily prayer ask is more than you can manage, do what you can. Every step you take is one step closer to Jesus!