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Prayer for A Penitent Heart
We can only truly understand sin when we ask our loving Father in heaven to open our eyes and hearts to how our thoughts, words, and actions ripple through our world. Explore yourself with Abba, have no fear.
Prayer for Mercy
Walk through an examine in the light of God's infinite mercy,
focusing on looking outward and toward healing rather for the body of Christ.
Search for God
God gave us free will. It is in our seeking him that he is free to reveal himself to us. We need to be looking, but when we do, and when he meets us where we are, then only can we truly understand what we have been missing and who we really are meant to be.
Truly Present
The time after Holy Communion is the most intimate and valuable time we have with Jesus; it is like no other time even while Jesus is everywhere and in all things! It is during this time that if we are disposed to the full measure of grace, we are truly united with Jesus as is asked in a spiritual communion.
Jesus in the Tabernacle
The absence of a crucifix in our church brought me to Jesus, hidden in the bread and wine, waiting in the tabernacle for me to seek him out, to gaze on him, and to allow him to enrich my soul with deeper revelation that carried me along my journey. Having been given the grace to contemplate more fully the mystery of Jesus Incarnate transformed into glory, uniting us in his glorified body has deepened my love for Jesus, for the Eucharist, and for my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ! May we all arrive home to our Father’s house safely with great joy at knowing the unfathomable depths of his love and mercy!
Time With Jesus
Enjoy this poetic reflection I wrote during the silence after having received the Eucharist. Jesus is ever-present everywhere. But the brief time after receiving Jesus in Holy Communion is an invitation to the most intimate time we can experience with Jesus. It is like no other.
Prayer Before Work or Study
I use this one every day! Prayer before work or study. Direct, O Lord, we beseech you, all our actions by your holy inspirations…
The Divine Praises
I use this prayer when I bless my house with Holy Water. After having used the Divine Praises for a while, I found that they would spontaneously roll off my tongue at odd moments of the day, giving me a great pick-me-up, and resetting my perspective on my day!
I am a child of God
I was blessed to have a weekend retreat experience recently. A part of the reflections for the weekend included allowing Jesus to walk in the garden of our hearts. Well, my garden is a wreck! Weeds are springing up everywhere. Jesus to clear some weeds away and found his way through the garden of my heart. I was a child, at his side, holding his hand, quite content... Be his child today. Take some time to invite him into your garden!