Pray for our Priests with Mary
Take a few minutes out of your busy day to pray with Mary and reflect on the mysteries of the Rosary. Here are some meditations you may find inspirational.
For the Sanctification of Priests (download)
Prayer for our Priests
Close with this prayer after the normal concluding prayers of the Rosary
O Jesus, our great High Priest, hear my humble prayers on behalf of your priests. Give them a deep faith, a bright and firm hope and a burning love which will ever increase in the course of their priestly life. In their loneliness, comfort them. In their sorrows, strengthen them. In their frustrations, point out to them that it is through suffering that the soul is purified, and show them that they are needed by the Church; they are needed by souls; they are needed for the work of redemption. O Loving Mother Mary, Mother of Priests, take to your heart your sons who are close to you because of their priestly ordination and because of the power which they have received to carry on the work of Christ in a world which needs them so much. Be their comfort, be their joy, be their strength, and especially help them to live and to defend the ideals of consecrated celibacy.
Content is adapted from the Handmaids of the Precious Blood.
Reflecting on Mother Mary
These meditations focus on Mary’s life of devotion to God and the people of Israel. Her life is a gift to us all. In the beauty of her creation, free of all sin, she embodies all we aspire to be as faithful followers of Christ. Her complete and total acceptance of God’s will inspires Marian devotees daily. Through grace, God gives her to us as the path through which we can most perfectly unite with Jesus.
The wreath to the right was inspired by the Blessed Mother during preparation for consecration to Our Lady in August, 2004. The wreath represents a Rosary. Each of the elements of the Rosary is represented: the cross, opening prayers, the centerpiece, and the five decades.The red of the cross signifies the sacrifice of Jesus for our redemption
The white/red flower represents the centerpiece that sits between the opening prayers and the decades.
The blue flowers represent the Our Father prayers.
The groups of white roses represent the Hail Mary prayers. There is one rose for each Hail Mary; a group of three near the cross and five groups of 10 for each decade.
In each of the decades is a single red flower. This set of five red markings, one in each decade, represents the five wounds of Jesus.
The ribbon in the center of the wreath connects the five wounds of Jesus and the cross of Jesus to form the Star of David, representing Mary’s plea for Israel and affirming her role as mother of God’s chosen people.
The ribbons flowing beneath the cross at the base of the wreath signify the rivers of life-giving water flowing from our Savior’s side.
Designed by: Bernadette Harmon
Assembled by: Beate WilsonReflections by: Bernadette Harmon, (c) 2004, August
Reviewed by: Fr. Francis Martin, STL, SSD (RIP 2017), and Dr. Mary Healy, STD, STL (Impramatur pending)
"Truly Inspired" - Dr. Mary Healy -
The First Marian Mystery - Mary pleads for the Jewish Nation
Mary, conceived without sin to just parents hand-picked and formed by God, dedicates her young years to the contemplation of the mystery of God’s promise of redemption. She intercedes for her people, crying out to God for the salvation of Israel. God prepares her to be the vessel through which the salvation of Israel is to come among us.
Mary, from the moment you were conceived, sin did not touch your body. You lived quietly watching God’s people struggle against sin and death. The hope of the coming of the Messiah burned in your heart as you contemplated the mystery of God’s promise to his people. The silent cries of a people who had lost their way echoed in your prayers. In your perfect devotion to God, his plan was soon to be fulfilled. Blessed are you who were given the grace to desire for all the people the fulfillment of the words of the prophets. goes here
The Second Marian Mystery - Mary abandons herself to the Will of the Father
Mary accepts the invitation to be the Mother of Jesus with humility. Her “yes” is for love of God and of all Israel. She is greatly honored to raise this wonder of creation who will be the sacrificial lamb foretold in the scriptures. At the time of God’s choosing, she suffers the passion quietly beside her Son and, seeing the fulfillment of His glory, rejoices in his resurrection.
Mary, your profound humility and unshakable faith in God’s plan brought into being the One who would be the salvation of all the world. In a moment of unfathomable grace, you were espoused to the Holy Spirit and conceived a child. For our salvation, you bore the child who would be the King of Heaven, the Son of God. Then, as foretold, you bore his same wounds as you watched his passion unfold. Yet, you remained ever faithful, trusting in the God of Israel. At the foot of the cross, you draw us into his passion that we may rejoice with you in his glory. Blessed are you who show us how to follow Jesus, through suffering, into his eternal kingdom.
The Third Marian Mystery - Mary Encourages the Young Church
Mary supports the infant church with her constant prayer and encourages the apostles as they reach out to the world. Through her complete submission to the will of God, she provides stability and fortitude to all who join in the work of God. Her constant humility and perseverance is an example to all who would know her. Each time she receives Jesus in the Eucharist, she relives her “yes” for the church and is strengthened in the grace of the Holy Spirit.
Mary, your hope in Jesus’ return gave you a vigilant heart and joyful spirit. You supported the work of the apostles in your service and care of them and in your constant faithfulness and prayer. Your plea for Israel continued, that all would be drawn to faith in Jesus. As you continued to grow in holiness, the church grew in number. Blessed are you who teach us to pray unceasingly for an ever increasing body of the faithful throughout the world, for an increase in the virtue of faith which you so beautifully embody.
The Fourth Marian Mystery - Queen of Heaven and Earth
Mary suffered greatly as Jesus’ Mother and carries the wounds of Christ to her death. As Jesus calls her unto Himself into heaven there is great jubilation as the saints and angels welcome her and acknowledge her as their Queen. Mary continues to devote herself to the salvation of the people on earth through her intercession. In sharing her secret with many in this world and giving them the grace of knowing her, she prepares their hearts as the Word of God forms within them.
Mary, most holy mother of God, whom Jesus brought into heaven as Queen of his heavenly kingdom, we honor you. Your total selflessness in allowing God to fulfill his plan through your body places you in the kingdom of heaven as the most esteemed of all the angels and saints. In heaven, you continue your work, interceding for us and drawing us to your Son. Blessed are you, Queen of heaven and earth, whose hand and gaze is upon us, leading us to Christ.
The Fifth Marian Mystery - Birth of a New Heaven
Mary is the instrument through which Satan is crushed. Through the power of God, she destroys evil and gives birth to a new Israel. All who would be her subjects rejoice in the fulfillment of God’s promise and the birth of a new heaven. They rally in praise and honor of Mary, whose “yes” to the Will of God enabled the salvation of all men and the end of Sin.
Mary, woman created by God to be the mother of his people, we look to the end of time when you will crush evil under your heel. We implore you who sit at the foot of the throne of God yet with the world at your feet; we pray for the grace to follow your example that we may be reborn through you and become true heirs of the kingdom of God. Blessed are you who gather us unto yourself that we may become the bride of your Son, Jesus, to live as one in His eternal kingdom.