Time With Jesus

Enjoy this poetic reflection I wrote during the silence after having received the Eucharist.

Take and eat; this is my body.
Take and drink, this is my blood.

I gaze on Jesus,
Jesus in the bread,
Jesus in the wine!

You offer yourself to me;
I offer myself to You.

By your invitation,
By your generosity,
By your power,
We are united!

The veil is torn!
For a few brief moments
You have touched me;
You have taken me to yourself!

And time stands still;
Our hearts beat as one.

You are the head,
I, part of the body.

You offer yourself to the world.
I offer myself, an instrument of your will.
As the body carries out the plans of the head,
So I pledge to carry out your commands.

"The body of Christ."
I take the bread.
"The blood of Christ."
I take the wine.

By your plan,
In your generosity,
You humble yourself;
You come to me!

I can do nothing but thank You!

And time stands still;
Our hearts beat as one.

Although Jesus is ever-present everywhere, this time after receiving Jesus in Holy Communion is the most intimate time we have with Jesus, like no other. Make the most of it!

©Bernadette Harmon, 2017


Jesus in the Tabernacle


Prayer Before Work or Study