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Spiritual Reflections Bernadette Harmon Spiritual Reflections Bernadette Harmon

Time With Jesus

Enjoy this poetic reflection I wrote during the silence after having received the Eucharist. Jesus is ever-present everywhere. But the brief time after receiving Jesus in Holy Communion is an invitation to the most intimate time we can experience with Jesus. It is like no other.

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Spiritual Reflections Bernadette Harmon Spiritual Reflections Bernadette Harmon

I am a child of God

I was blessed to have a weekend retreat experience recently. A part of the reflections for the weekend included allowing Jesus to walk in the garden of our hearts. Well, my garden is a wreck! Weeds are springing up everywhere. Jesus to clear some weeds away and found his way through the garden of my heart. I was a child, at his side, holding his hand, quite content... Be his child today. Take some time to invite him into your garden!

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